Kais XXL

    Kais XXL

    Kais XXL

    Kais XXL's videos on Cocksucker
    Kais XXL have played in 1 gay videos on Cocksuckerprod.com and 14 videos on our other websites
    Take my load and leave
    Take my load and leave

    You want Kais's cock? No worries if you're a good cock sucker. But here are the rules : you come, you suck, you get your face sprayed and you get out. This dom guy is not here to mess around. He knows that the guys love his big cock and his milk, he needs to release the cum. It's a win-win situation. No chitchat, no feelings. Cocksucker shows up, gets on his knees, gets slapped, licks, swallows. Mouth soaked with cum he did the right thing and can leave now.

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    Find me and you'll suck it
    Kaîs, your dick is a real delice !
    The best arab dick from the council estate
    Big arab cock for Math
    Nice and warm in your holes
    Here's my big arab cock, now worship it !
    Kais XXL puts all his cum on the cellar's floor
    Tons of cum on your sub face